We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Greece: A Social Explosion Is Inevitable

Click here to access article by Anna Filimonova from Strategic Culture Foundation.

According to this columnist from this obviously Russian-based website (they purport to be transnational), the neoliberal vultures are busy picking the flesh off of what is left of Greece. There is a hint of bias in that she seems to suggest that dealing with Russian or Chinese vultures would suit them better. In any case, the situation in Greece looks even grimmer than I thought.

Although there is no linked reference to the quoted statement, the following quote really captures the unvarnished ugliness of sociopathic capitalists and their regard for society:
As Wall Street trader A. Rastani stated not long before Lucas Papademos was appointed prime minister of Greece, "we don't really care that much how they're going to fix the economy, how they're going to fix the whole situation; our job is to make money from it and personally I've been dreaming of this moment for three years. I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession...When the market crashes...if you know what to do, if you have the right plan to set up you can make a lot of money from this."